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Introduction to Energy and Systemic Shift Concepts

  • Journalists are introduced to the concept of energy and its lack of coverage linking to the global climate crisis.


2 July 2022


  • Introduction to Energy: Energy and Climate by Ili Nadiah. She is the programme director of Klima Action Malaysia (KAMY). Her presentation shed light on the concept of energy, like how energy is created, sourced, and used, and energy’s impact on human civilization, the climate crisis, and journalists' action to bridge the knowledge gap among the public on the energy sector.

a. Speaker materials :

i. Introduction to Energy: Energy and Climate (Canva)

  • Introduction to Energy: Local and Global Trends by Dr Gary Theseira. He is a Technical Expert from the Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation (MGTC). He has extensive experience in climate change, sustainable policy development, and climate change negotiations at COP UNFCCC. In his presentation, Dr Gary gave a global perspective and understanding of the changes and oftentimes slow progress of the energy sector transformation and climate decision-making in national policies.

a. Speaker materials :

i. Introduction to Energy: Local and Global Trends (PPTX)

  • Concept of "Fair share" + Climate Justice, how it is related to Malaysia by Hilary Kung. She is a Senior Researcher at Third World Network (TWN) and Sahabat Alam Malaysia (SAM) and has extensive experience in political ecology and environmental science. Her presentation briefly introduced SAM and TWN extensive work in national, regional and global landscapes and multilateral spaces to fight for equity and justice in climate action.

a. Speaker materials :

i. Climate  Justice and the Concept of “Fair Share” (PDF)



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